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COMMON INJURIES Burn Benefit This benefit will pay the amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits for second or third degree burns sustained due to an accident. Benefits are based on the severity of the burn. Only one benefit is payable per person, per accident. If multiple burns are sustained as the result of the same accident, the highest eligible benefit will be paid. Paralysis Benefit This benefit will pay the amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits for paralysis due to an accident. The benefit amount is based on the type of paralysis. Paralysis must be diagnosed by a doctor within 365 days of the accident. This benefit is payable only once per person, per accident. Laceration Benefit This benefit will pay the amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits for lacerations sustained as the result of an accident. The benefit amount is based on the type of laceration. Lacerations must be repaired within 96 hours after an accident. Only one laceration benefit will be paid per person, per accident. If multiple lacerations are sustained, the benefit amount applicable to the total length of all lacerations will be paid. Emergency Dental Work Benefit This benefit will pay the amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits if emergency dental treatment is required as the result of an accident. This includes the repair of a broken sound, natural tooth or crown and the extraction of a broken sound, natural tooth. The benefit amount is based on the type of procedure. Dental work must occur within 365 days after the accident. This benefit will be paid once per person, per accident regardless of the number of teeth involved. Eye Injury Benefit This benefit will pay the amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits if an eye injury is sustained as the result of an accident. The injury must require surgery or removal of a foreign object by a doctor within 365 days after the accident. One eye injury benefit is payable per person per accident. Specific Injury Benefit This benefit will pay the amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits if one of the specific injuries listed is sustained as the result of an accident. Benefit amounts are based on the type of injury sustained. The injury must require surgery or medical treatment within 365 days after the accident. Only one benefit is payable per person per accident. Dislocations Benefit This benefit will pay the amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits if a dislocation is sustained as the result of an accident. Benefit amounts are based on the type of dislocation sustained and must be treated by a doctor within 365 days after the accident. This benefit will be paid for up to 3 dislocations per person per accident.

Accident Benefits Summary - Page 7 Accident Benefits Summary Page 6 Page 8