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Health Screening Benefit The Health Screening Benefit will be paid once per year, per covered Insured, when one or more of the following exams, X- rays, laboratory tests are administered to during a Calendar Year. A Health Screening Benefit is payable once per covered Insured during a Calendar Year, regardless of the number of exams, X-rays, laboratory tests administered during that year. 1. Tests to Screen for Cancer: (a) Biopsy (b) Bone marrow testing (c) Breast ultrasound (d) CA 125 (blood test for ovarian cancer) (e) CA 15-3 (blood test for breast cancer) (f) CEA (blood test for colon cancer) (g) Colonoscopy (h) Flexible sigmoidoscopy (i) Hemoccult stool specimen (j) Mammogram (k) Pap test (l) PSA (prostate-specific antigen tests) (m) Serum protein electrophoresis (blood test for myeloma) (n) Thermography (o) Any other cancer screening tests that are generally accepted by the medical community 2. Tests to screen for Heart-related Disease (a) Blood test for triglycerides (b) Chest x-ray (c) Serum cholesterol test to determine HDL/LDL level (d) Stress test on a bicycle or treadmill 3. Test to screen for Organ-related Disease (a) Fasting blood glucose test Continuation of Coverage During Temporary Absence Coverage may continue beyond the day it would otherwise cease under the termination provisions if the insured is absent from work due to any of the following reasons. In no event will coverage continue beyond the maximum time shown below for any temporary absence. If the insured is eligible to continue coverage for more than one reason, the periods of continuation will run concurrently. The continuation periods may not be applied consecutively. Continuation of coverage is subject to the payment of required premium. Illness or Injury If absent from work due to illness or injury, all coverage may be continued for a period of 6 consecutive months from the date last actively at work. Personal Leave of Absence If on a documented leave of absence, all coverage may be continued for up to 2 months following the date last actively at work. If the leave terminates prior to the agreed upon date, this continuation will cease immediately.

Critical Illness Benefits Summary - Page 8 Critical Illness Benefits Summary Page 7 Page 9