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Language Access Services: SPANISH (Español): Para obtener asistencia en Español, llame al 1-800-788-0616 (TTY: 711) TAGALOG (Tagalog): Kung kailangan ninyo ang tulong sa Tagalog tumawag sa 1-800-278-3296 (TTY: 711) CHINESE (中文): 如果需要中文的帮助,请拨打这个号码 1-800-757-7585 (TTY: 711) NAVAJO (Dine): Dinek'ehgo shika at'ohwol ninisingo, kwiijigo holne' 1-800-278-3296 (TTY: 711) To see examples of how this plan might cover costs for a sample medical situation, see the next section. 6 of 8

Kaiser Permanente DHMO 750 Southern California SBC - Page 6 Kaiser Permanente DHMO 750 Southern California SBC Page 5 Page 7