Nayya Benefits Guide Page for TES

Nayya >What’sNayya? Nayyaisabenefits guidance tool that helps you choose the best plans for you and your family based on your health, financial situation, future plans, and preferences. We encourage you to go through Nayya as the first step in the enrollment process. At the end of a short, survey-style experience you’ll receive a personalized recommendation that could help you save money on premiums or get additional coverage. WhyuseNayya? Savetimedecidingwhichbenefitsplanstoenroll in, savemoney on premiums and out-of-pocket costs, and learn about medical plans, supplemental benefits, and more. Let’s GetStarted 1. Signin: To access the decision support portal, please use the link you received via email. 2. Completetheshortsurveyexperience:Youcanlinkyourpast insurance usage and then will go through the survey by answering simple questions about your family, lifestyle, and any upcoming life changesyouhaveplanned,suchasifyouaregettingmarriedor having a baby. 3. Getyourpersonalizedrecommendation:Afterfinishing the assessment, you will be provided your bundled benefits recommendations and directed to complete the enrollment process. DataPrivacy NayyaisSOC2,HIPAA,andCCPAcompliant,soyoucanrestassuredthatyourpersonal data is well protected. DoesNayyashareanyofmyhealthcareinformationwithmyemployer? All individual employee data shared with Nayya is kept completely confidential and will not be provided to anyone, including your employer. The data is solely for individual benefit recommendations. Will myassessmentresponsesbekeptprivate? Absolutely – your privacy is our top priority. Your employer will never see your responses andyourhealthandfinancial information is kept private. Your answers are only used to personalize your recommendations so we can help you select the right benefits.