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Description of Benefits for : 12856000 - Total Education Solutions Scheduled Benefit Accident EMERGENCY CARE & DIAGNOSTICS Ambulance Transportation Benefit This benefit pays for ground or air ambulance transportation as shown in the Schedule of Benefits. It will be paid for transportation by a licensed ground or air ambulance transportation service from the place of injury to the nearest accredited hospital where adequate treatment facilities are available. Air ambulance transportation must be within 96 hours of the accident. Ground transportation must be within 90 days of the accident. Emergency Room Benefit The benefit amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits will be paid for treatment in an emergency room for an injury. Emergency room services must be incurred within 30 days from the Accident. Major Diagnostic Testing Benefit The benefit amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits will be paid if for any of the following major diagnostic tests as the result of the injury. Tests must be administered by a provider within 365 days of the accident. If multiple tests are performed, only one benefit will be paid. The following tests are covered: magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT, Cat Scan), electrocardiogram (EKG) and electroencephalogram. X-Ray Benefit The benefit amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits will be paid if an x-ray is performed as a result of the injury. The x-ray must be performed by a provider within 365 days of the accident. Pain Management/Epidural Benefit The benefit amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits will be paid if medical pain management services, including the application of epidural injections, are administered for treatment of injury. Services must be administered by a provider within 365 days of the accident. Services may be provided at the doctor's office, outpatient hospital clinic or urgent care facility. Initial Doctor Visit Benefit The benefit amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits will be paid for the first day of treatment from a doctor for an injury. The initial visit must occur within 365 days of the accident. Services must be provided at the doctor's office, an outpatient hospital clinic or urgent care facility. This benefit is payable once per person, per accident.

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