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Accident Insurance

Symetra Life Insurance Company Accident Insurance Your plan for the unexpected Accidents can happen to anyone, at any time. Could you a昀昀ord the financial impact if one happened to you or someone in your family? With accident insurance, you can be better prepared for the unexpected. How it works Why accident insurance? Accident insurance can cover out-of-pocket medical Even with major medical insurance, your out-of- expenses related to an accidental injury. pocket health care costs can be substantial. Accident Benefits are paid for injuries resulting from an insurance can help you o昀昀set your deductible, copay accident, and they don’t interfere or coordinate with or coinsurance requirements while paying little to your major medical plan. nothing from your own pocket. Benefits can also be used to pay for other expenses that may follow an accident, such as medical supplies, help with child care or anything else you may need. Continued > SBM-6429 3/23

What’s covered? Your plan covers several types of accidental injuries, including: Fractures Second- and third-degree burns Lacerations Dislocations Eye injuries Torn ligaments The plan also pays a benefit for the following services if they’re related to a covered injury. Emergency care Follow-up care Hospitalization and and diagnostics Physical therapy surgical procedures Ambulance rides Doctor visits Hospital admission Emergency room admission Chiropractic visits ICU X-rays Medical equipment Surgery Prosthetic devices Rehabilitation This is a brief description of available benefits. For a complete SPOUSE AND CHILD description of coverage, please refer to your enrollment COVERAGE materials or contact your benefits representative. Spouse and dependent benefits may be available. Please refer to your enrollment materials for specific details. Accident Insurance 2

Claim example Meet Mike Mike has an active lifestyle, so he knew that enrolling in Symetra Accident Insurance was the right decision. Shortly after signing up, Mike breaks his leg on a hiking trip with friends. After a trip to the emergency room, Mike’s able to use his accident insurance to help with his out-of-pocket costs. Here’s an example of the benefits Mike would receive under each plan: Treatment and services Plan 1 Plan 2 Emergency room visit: $200 $250 X-ray: $150 $200 Leg fracture: $3,250 $3,750 Five physical therapy sessions: $375 $500 Total benefits received: $3,975 $4,700 This example is for illustrative purposes only and is meant to provide a general overview of how coverage works. Any resemblance to actual persons is purely coincidental. Please refer to your complete set of enrollment materials for your plan’s benefit amounts and costs of coverage. Mike’s benefits Because Mike has accident insurance, he now has funds to help pay for: Medical expenses. Child care during recovery. Transportation to physical therapy DID YOU KNOW? appointments. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that 24.2 million visits to emergency rooms 1 in the U.S. are due to unintentional injuries. Continued > Accident Insurance 3

Why enroll? Let’s face it, our lives are busy. Whether we’re grabbing When you sign up for Symetra Accident Insurance, you get: groceries, taking a road trip, or heading to after-school • A simple enrollment process without any required activities, we’re not thinking about things taking an medical questions or exams.2 unexpected turn. But if they do, accident insurance • An easy and flexible claims process. can help. • Responsive and empathetic customer service representatives at a U.S.-based call center. Don’t miss your opportunity to enroll in this valuable coverage. To get started, review your enrollment materials or talk to your benefits representative. Accident coverage, insured by Symetra Life Insurance Company, 777 108th Ave NE, Suite 1200, Bellevue, WA 98004, is not available in all U.S. states or any U.S. territory. It pays a 昀椀xed amount and does not cover losses due to sickness, nor does it cover the cost of all hospital and medical services. It is not a replacement for major medical or other comprehensive coverage and does not satisfy the minimum essential coverage requirements of the Affordable Care Act. Certi昀椀cate form number is SBC-03515 1/18. Coverage may be subject to exclusions, limitations, reductions and termination of bene昀椀t provisions. For costs and complete details of the coverage, contact your bene昀椀ts representative. Symetra Life Insurance Company THIS POLICY IS ISSUED AS AN ACCIDENT-ONLY POLICY. IT DOES NOT PAY BENEFITS FOR LOSS 777 108th Avenue NE, Suite 1200 CAUSED BY ILLNESS. Bellevue, WA 98004-5135 1 “National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey,” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, accessed March 8, 2023. 2 Symetra® is a registered service mark of Late entrants and those who elect coverage over the guaranteed issue amount outlined in the plan design will have to Symetra Life Insurance Company. complete a medical questionnaire.