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Accident Insurance

Symetra Life Insurance Company Accident Insurance Your plan for the unexpected Accidents can happen to anyone, at any time. Could you a昀昀ord the financial impact if one happened to you or someone in your family? With accident insurance, you can be better prepared for the unexpected. How it works Why accident insurance? Accident insurance can cover out-of-pocket medical Even with major medical insurance, your out-of- expenses related to an accidental injury. pocket health care costs can be substantial. Accident Benefits are paid for injuries resulting from an insurance can help you o昀昀set your deductible, copay accident, and they don’t interfere or coordinate with or coinsurance requirements while paying little to your major medical plan. nothing from your own pocket. Benefits can also be used to pay for other expenses that may follow an accident, such as medical supplies, help with child care or anything else you may need. Continued > SBM-6429 3/23

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