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Critical Illness Enrollment Guide Total Education Solutions

Symetra Life Insurance Company Critical Illness Insurance For the critical moments in your life Whether you’re stepping into your first job or looking toward retirement, you never know when a critical event may happen. That’s why Symetra’s critical illness insurance is designed to provide financial support whenever you’re faced with an unexpected health challenge. How it works Why critical illness insurance? If you are diagnosed with a covered condition after Critical illness insurance can provide some financial the policy is in e昀昀ect, you will receive a lump-sum relief during a serious medical condition or life event. benefit payment based on the terms of your policy Benefits can be used for anything—whether it’s and the diagnosis. transportation, child care or other expenses—helping Benefits are paid directly to you, regardless of any you focus on your recovery rather than your finances. other insurance coverage you may have. Continued > SBM-6393 7/22

How Symetra Critical Illness Insurance can continuously help Our broad definitions of medical conditions make it easy for you to qualify for benefits. The process is simple: submit a claim by either calling Symetra and speaking to one of our customer service representatives, or by answering just a few questions on our convenient digital platform My Group Online (MyGO). We also understand that you can experience more than one critical event during your lifetime. If you’re later diagnosed with a second covered condition, you’ll 1 receive the full benefit amount for that condition as shown in your certificate. Please refer to your certificate for complete details of the coverage. You are diagnosed with Symetra approves Lump-sum benefit paid a covered condition your claim directly to you Critical events are more common than you may think and can lead to unexpected costs Financial planning for unexpected medical events is important, especially considering these facts: % % 805K 40 56 Men and women in the U.S. have nearly In 2019, 56% of adults in the U.S. Each year, approximately 805,000 a 40% chance of developing cancer reported medical financial hardship.3 people in the U.S. have a heart attack.4 2 during their lifetime. SPOUSE AND CHILD COVERAGE Spouse and dependent benefits may be available. Please refer to your enrollment materials for specific details. 2 Critical Illness Insurance

Claim examples Meet Kristen and Robert In addition to their health insurance, Kristen and Robert are both enrolled in Symetra Critical Illness Insurance. Their policy includes coverage for cancer diagnoses and heart attacks. Kristen Robert Kristen went in for treatment after doctors discovered After Robert su昀昀ered a heart attack, he had more she had breast cancer. They used a combination of than just his medical condition on his mind. With two surgery and radiation therapy treatment. Kristen used days spent in the hospital and another three months her critical illness benefit to help pay for her deductible recovering at home, he welcomed the financial support and coinsurance, as well as other expenses while she the critical illness benefit provided to help with a variety was recovering. of related health costs. Cancer Heart attack Benefit paid: Benefit paid: 100% of benefit amount = $10,000 100% of benefit amount = $10,000 How Kristen used her benefit dollars: How Robert used his benefit dollars: Related medical costs: $4,500 Related medical costs: $5,500 Child care: $300 Remaining benefit amount put in savings: $4,500 Transportation: $200 Remaining benefit amount put in savings: $5,000 This example is for illustrative purposes only and is meant to provide a general overview of how coverage works. Any resemblance to actual persons is purely coincidental. Refer to your complete set of enrollment materials for your plan’s benefit amounts. Each policy includes coverage for di昀昀erent conditions and life events. Please refer to your certificate for complete details. Continued > 2 Critical Illness Insurance Critical Illness Insurance 3

Why enroll? A critical medical event usually leads to unknown Signing up for Symetra Critical Illness Insurance also and unexpected costs. And many of these—such as means you can enjoy: additional needs for transportation, child care, help • A simple enrollment process without any required around the house and more—aren’t covered by health medical questions or exams.5 insurance. Symetra Critical Illness Insurance can help pay for these additional expenses while you focus on • An easy and flexible claims process. your recovery. • Responsive and empathetic customer service representatives at a U.S.-based call center. Don’t miss your opportunity to enroll in this valuable coverage. To get started, talk to your benefits representative. Enrollment starts soon. Enrollment starts soon. Note: Any critical illness benefits totaling more than the costs incurred for medical care are generally taxable if the employee or employer paid the premium on a pre-tax basis. It is also important to note that critical illness benefits may a昀昀ect eligibility for public assistance like federal, state or local welfare programs. For specific information, please consult a tax professional and/or your benefits representative. Critical illness policies, insured by Symetra Life Insurance Company, 777 108th Avenue NE, Suite 1200, Bellevue, WA 98004, are not available in all U.S. states or any U.S. territory. They provide bene昀椀ts at a preselected, 昀椀xed dollar amount for covered conditions. They are not a replacement for major medical or other comprehensive coverage, and do not satisfy the minimum essential coverage requirements of the Affordable Care Act. Base certi昀椀cate form number is SBC-04535 1/21. Coverage may be subject to exclusions, limitations, reductions and termination of bene昀椀t provisions. 1 There must be a one-day separation between additional diagnoses. If two or more covered critical illnesses are diagnosed on the same day, only the bene昀椀t that provides the largest bene昀椀t amount will be paid. 2 “Cancer Facts & Figures 2021,” American Cancer Society, accessed March 19, 2021, cancer-org/research/cancer-facts-and-statistics/annual-cancer-facts-and-昀椀gures/2021/cancer-facts-and-昀椀gures-2021.pdf. Symetra Life Insurance Company 3 “Prevalence and Correlates of Medical Financial Hardship in the USA,” Journal of General Internal Medicine, published May 1, 777 108th Avenue NE, Suite 1200 2019, Bellevue, WA 98004-5135 4 “Heart Disease Facts,” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, accessed April 27, 2021, heartdisease/facts.htm. 5 Symetra® is a registered service mark of Late entrants and those who elect coverage over the guaranteed issue amount outlined in the plan design will have to Symetra Life Insurance Company. complete a medical questionnaire.