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SEDERA Sedera is a nonpro昀椀t Medical Cost Sharing Community that o昀昀ers a non-insurance approach for managing large and unexpected medical expenses. Sedera Members belong to a Community of individuals who are ac琀椀ve and engaged par琀椀cipants in their healthcare decision-making, dedicated to a healthy lifestyle, and united by shared values. Monthly Membership Contribu琀椀on Includes: Limita琀椀ons for Pre-exis琀椀ng Condi琀椀ons: • Member Share Amount • Year 1: No cost sharing • Telemedicine • Year 2: $25,000 sharing limit • Expert Second Opinion Services • Year 3: $50,000 sharing limit • Year 4: Eligible for full sharing Households with One or More Tobacco/Vape Users: • Addi琀椀onal $75 per month contribu琀椀on $1,500 INITIAL UNSHAREABLE AMOUNT (IUA) AGE:

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