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Dash Delivery Benefits Guide 2025

2025 Benefits Guide YOUR BENEFITS JOURNEY st th Plan Year: Oct 1 - Sept 30

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Dash Delivery Benefits Guide 2025 - Page 2
Dash Delivery Benefits Guide 2025 - Page 3

MEDICAL Y O U R J O U R N E Y T O HEALTH Medical insurance helps you pay for preven琀椀ve care, rou琀椀ne health needs, prescrip琀椀ons, and advanced procedures by cost-sharing with your insurance provider. Hover over the insurance terms below to learn what they mean. REGENCE BLUECROSS BLUESHIELD OF OREGON: REGENCE CLASSIC IN-NETWORK OUT-OF-NETWORK DEDUCTIBLE Individual: $5,000 Individual: $10,000 Family: $10,000 Family: $20,000 COINSURANCE 20% coinsurance Review Primary Care: $5 copay / 昀椀rst 3 upfront visits / year; $30 copay / o昀케ce visit Plan SBC Primary Care: 40% coinsurance OFFICE VISITS a昀琀er 3 upfront visits; 20% coinsurance for all other services Specialist: 40% coinsurance Specialist: $60 copay; 20% coinsurance for all other services Urgent Care: $60 copay; 40% coinsurance for all other services Urgent Care: $60 copay; 20% coinsurance for all other services Inpa琀椀ent: 20% coinsurance Regence Outpa琀椀ent: 10% coinsurance for ambulatory surgery centers; Inpa琀椀ent: 40% coinsurance Classic Outpa琀椀ent: 40% coinsurance PROCEDURES 20% coinsurance for all other facili琀椀es Emergency Room: 20% coinsurance a昀琀er $250 copay Emergency Room: 20% coinsurance a昀琀er $250 copay OP Lab & X-ray: 40% coinsurance OP Lab & X-ray: 20% coinsurance Radiology: 40% coinsurance Radiology: 20% coinsurance PRESCRIPTIONS Retail: $10 / $50 / $75 / 50% coinsurance Retail: $10 / $50 / $75 / 50% coinsurance Mail Order: $20 / $100 / $150 / 50% coinsurance Mail Order: $20 / $100 / $150 / 50% coinsurance OUT-OF-POCKET Individual: $8,000 Individual: $16,000 MAXIMUM Family: $16,000 Family: $32,000 EMPLOYEE Employee: $181.68 MONTHLY Employee + Spouse: $864.16 CONTRIBUTIONS Employee + Child(ren): $678.04 Family: $1,360.51 *Deduc琀椀ble applies 昀椀rst. The bene昀椀ts and rates in this guide are for illustra琀椀ve purposes only. Please refer to the Summary of Bene昀椀ts for speci昀椀c bene昀椀ts. To the extent the rates or the bene昀椀t plan informa琀椀on summarized herein di昀昀ers from the underlying plan details speci昀椀ed in the insurance documents that govern the terms and condi琀椀ons of the plans of insurance described in this guide, the underlying insurance documents will govern in all cases.

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SEDERA Sedera is a nonpro昀椀t Medical Cost Sharing Community that o昀昀ers a non-insurance approach for managing large and unexpected medical expenses. Sedera Members belong to a Community of individuals who are ac琀椀ve and engaged par琀椀cipants in their healthcare decision-making, dedicated to a healthy lifestyle, and united by shared values. Monthly Membership Contribu琀椀on Includes: Limita琀椀ons for Pre-exis琀椀ng Condi琀椀ons: • Member Share Amount • Year 1: No cost sharing • Telemedicine • Year 2: $25,000 sharing limit • Expert Second Opinion Services • Year 3: $50,000 sharing limit • Year 4: Eligible for full sharing Households with One or More Tobacco/Vape Users: • Addi琀椀onal $75 per month contribu琀椀on $1,500 INITIAL UNSHAREABLE AMOUNT (IUA) AGE:

DENTAL Good oral care enhances overall physical health, appearance and mental well-being. Problems with the teeth and gums are common and easily treated health problems. Keep your teeth healthy and your smile bright with our dental bene昀椀t plan. Hover over the insurance terms below to learn what they mean. SMARTPREMIUM IN-NETWORK OUT-OF-NETWORK Review Individual: $50 Plan Summary ANNUAL DEDUCTIBLE Family: $150 PREVENTIVE SERVICES Plan pays 100% Plan pays 100% SmartPremium BASIC SERVICES Plan pays 80% Plan pays 80% You pay 20% You pay 20% MAJOR SERVICES Plan pays 50% Plan pays 50% You pay 50% You pay 50% ANNUAL PLAN MAXIMUM $2,000 $1,500 ORTHO LIFETIME MAXIMUM $0 Employee: $33.99 RATES PER Employee + Spouse: $67.97 MONTHLY PAY PERIOD Employee + Children: $76.11 Family: $110.11 The bene昀椀ts and rates in this guide are for illustra琀椀ve purposes only. To the extent the rates or the bene昀椀t plan informa琀椀on summarized herein di昀昀ers from the underlying plan details speci昀椀ed in the insurance documents that govern the terms and condi琀椀ons of the plans of insurance described in this guide, the underlying insurance documents will govern in all cases.

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Review VISION Plan Summary Protect your sight and enjoy those sunsets even more with Vision vision insurance. Receive both preven琀椀ve and materials coverage. Hover over the insurance terms below to learn what they mean. VISION PLAN IN-NETWORK OUT-OF-NETWORK EXAMS $10 copay Up to $45 MATERIALS $25 copay $25 copay Single: Single: Up to $30 LENSES Bifocal: Bifocal: Up to $50 Trifocal: Trifocal: Up to $65 Len琀椀cular: Len琀椀cular: Up to $100 FRAMES $130 / 20% savings on amount over allowance Up to $70 CONTACT LENSES Elec琀椀ve: $130 Allowance Elec琀椀ve: Up to $105 Medically Necessary: Medically Necessary: Up to $210 Exams: 1 X 12 Months FREQUENCY Lenses: 1 X 12 Months OF SERVICES Frames: 1 X 12 Months Contact Lenses: 1 X 12 Months RATES PER Employee: $5.12 BIWEEKLY Employee + Spouse: $10.31 PAY PERIOD Employee + Children: $10.90 Family: $17.14 The bene昀椀ts and rates in this guide are for illustra琀椀ve purposes only. To the extent the rates or the bene昀椀t plan informa琀椀on summarized herein di昀昀ers from the underlying plan details speci- 昀椀ed in the insurance documents that govern the terms and condi琀椀ons of the plans of insurance described in this guide, the underlying insurance documents will govern in all cases.

Dash Delivery Benefits Guide 2025 - Page 7

VOLUNTARY LIFE INSURANCE You can't put a price tag on your life, but you can protect your loved ones with life insurance in the event of a premature loss. VOLUNTARY LIFE AND AD&D - You must submit an applica琀椀on and be approved to be enrolled in this employee-paid coverage. EMPLOYEE Increments of $10,000 up to $300,000 maximum Guarantee Issue: $100,000 SPOUSE Increments of $5,000 up to 50% of employee amount up to $20,000 Guarantee Issue: $25,000 CHILD Increments of $2,500 up to $10,000 maximum VOLUNTARY TERM LIFE RATES PER $1,000 AGE

VOLUNTARY BENEFITS Even with medical insurance, you could s琀椀ll be subject to unexpected out-of-pocket expenses in the form of copays, deduc琀椀ble, and coinsurance. These Voluntary Bene昀椀ts provide lump sum payments to be used towards your health care expenses, or however you see 昀椀t. ACCIDENT INSURANCE Hover over the icons to the right to learn more about each of these bene昀椀ts. CRITICAL ILLNESS HOSPITAL INDEMNITY

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CONTACT INFORMATION MEDICAL DENTAL VISION Regence Bluecross BlueShield of Oregon Beam Beam 888-675-6570 800-648-1179 800-648-1179 www.beambene昀椀 www.beambene昀椀 LIFE INSURANCE SEDERA ACCIDENT/CI/HOSPITAL Beam Member Support Beam 800-648-1179 855-973-3372 800-648-1179 www.beambene昀椀 [email protected] www.beambene昀椀 HR CONTACT ADDITIONAL CONTACT Chris McCormick Dash Bene昀椀ts Concierge 541-665-3274 904-906-4357 [email protected] [email protected]

EMPLOYEE NOTICES Please review the following required employee no琀椀ces detailing your rights and op琀椀ons. You can also request a paper copy of any of these no琀椀ces at any 琀椀me. VIEW NOTICES

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