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Pre-Existing This plan will cover a disability if it is caused by, contributed to by, or results from Condition a pre-existing condition and the disability begins after being insured for 12 consecutive months from his/her effective date of coverage. If the time period requirements are not met, the disability is excluded from coverage under the plan. Pre-Existing Condition means a sickness or injury for which the insured received treatment within 3 months prior to his/her effective date of coverage. Treatment includes consultation, care, or services from a doctor, or other medical professional recommended by a doctor. It also includes being prescribed medicines, taking prescribed medicines (or the fact that the insured should have been taking prescribed medicines, but chooses not to), and receiving diagnostic measures. Survivor Income A survivor benefit may be paid to your beneficiary if you should die while Benefit receiving qualifying disability payments. Benefit Limitations Mental Illness: 24 Months Per Lifetime Substance Abuse: 24 Months Per Lifetime Evidence of Insurability Evidence of Insurability is required for all amounts of insurance selected after the initial 31 day eligibility period and for any amount in excess of the Guarantee Issue amount. Standard Provisions: • Maternity is covered the same as any other condition. • 6 months recurrent disability/temporary recovery - If the insured recovers and returns to work, and the same sickness or injury causes the disability to occur again within 6 months of the date the prior disability ended, Symetra will resume monthly payments if the insured is covered under the policy for the period of temporary recovery. • Waiver of premium - Premium payments for coverage are suspended for an insured while he/she is receiving disability income payments under this policy. • Cost of living freeze - Except for increases in income earned (or received from any form of employment) once other income amounts have been subtracted from the gross monthly disability payment, the insured’s payment will not be further reduced due to a cost of living increase in any other income amounts. • Vocational rehabilitation - Provides assistance through services such as testing and training as well as job modification and placement. • Social Security assistance - Helps an insured obtain Social Security disability benefits. • Continuity of coverage Symetra® is a registered service mark of Symetra Life Insurance Company. LGP-2319/LTD-Class 1 2/17

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